Female Owner Of Start Up Coffee Shop Or Restaurant Turning Round Open Sign On Door

Small business loans for growing businesses.

Small businesses are the cornerstones of our communities, yet owners often struggle to get the capital they need to grow and thrive. At GoodBread, we’re here to change that.

How the GoodBread Beta works

Asian man in coffee sitting at large table with notepad and coffee mug looking at his cell phone.
woman in orange button down shirt standing in front of white bookshelves smiling at the cell phone she's holding in front of her
young smiling woman in professional clothing standing and shaking hands with another woman in conference room

Integrity and trust are baked right in.

We’re a small business lender prioritizing integrity and transparency in everything we do.

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Equal access

Providing access to capital for all creditworthy borrowers.

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No surprises

Transparent, clear, and honest work because you have enough to worry about.

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Lending based on who you are

You’re more than your credit score. Let’s get to know one another.

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Partnership beyond capital

Dedicated to understanding your goals and challenges.

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